After much encouragement from my sneaker fanatic brother, I finally caved and bought myself a solid, comfortable and practical pair of sneakers. But I didn't buy just any kind of sneakers, I bought custom designed Nike ID Nike Air Plus sneakers!
I put my feet down--quite literally--in that I would only wear sneakers more often if they were pretty. Since I couldn't find a pair of sneakers that met my attractiveness qualifications (if you exclude the sneakers I liked with heels and the sneakers that weren't really sneakers at all), I decided to custom color coordinate a pair of Nike Air Plus sneakers.
I loved the final product so much, I can't seem to get enough of the punchy turquoise and neon yellow color combination. Everything from my new beaded creations to my new spring accessories are matching my favorite pair of shoes.
Vera Bradley Lime's Up | Columbia fleece | North Face fleece | Jewelmint earrings | Vera Bradley Jazzy Blooms
Let it Bead,

What accessory provides inspiration for your favorite color combination this season?

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