Growing up with a brother named Nicholas, we always celebrated St. Nick's day on December 6. Nick and I would put our shoes out by the fireplace the night before in anticipation for St. Nick's arrival. In the morning we'd wake up to our shoes filled with a little gift from jolly old Saint Nicholas!
Is it asking St. Nick too much to bring me the shoes as my gift this year? If so, I'll take these leopard Sperry top-siders please!
In beading news--and speaking of guys named Nick--my brother gave his friend the best answer ever to the question of what to get his mother for Christmas: a piece of jewelry from Beaded Expressions by Marla, of course! (My family is my best advertising tool and sales rep.)
Knowing the recipient's birthday is in May, I choose to make a necklace with emerald gemstone beads and green aventurine beads.
I used the gemstone beads to create beaded beads using the netting stitch. I strung the beaded beads, gemstone beads and silver ball beads on a strand of Accu-Flex beading wire and finished it off with a silver S-clasp.
Do you celebrate St. Nick's Day?

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