It's hard to believe the year is almost over. 2012 has been a difficult year for me in many ways, so I'm ready to kiss it goodbye and to embrace what the new year has to offer. In the art of positive thinking:
This time of year is flooded with weight loss advertisements appropriately placed to fit in nicely with resolutions to lose weight in the new year. I'm impressed with Kellogg's Special K's positive and motivational way to approach weight loss (and resolutions) with their new slogan of "What will you gain when you lose?" Since weight loss is always on my New Year's resolutions list (sometimes in the form of "I resolve not to make weight loss a resolution" in case it doesn't happen and to prevent the inevitable guilt that follows as a result) this slogan resonated with me and I chose to take that positive approach when making my 2013 New Year's Resolutions:
Learn a new jewelry making skill.
All of my jewelry making is bead based. While I absolutely love working with beads of all shapes and sizes and weaving them into jewelry with needle and thread, I also love the idea of learning about different jewelry mediums and eventually incorporating them into my beaded jewelry. I'm particularly interested in learning about working with PMC (Precious Metal Clay).
Participate in The Studio Sublime's "Focusing on Life, 52 Photos"
I got a DSLR camera for Christmas this year and I'm so excited to learn how to use it so I can take pictures of my beaded jewelry. I also want to use it to capture moments of life as they unfold this year and this weekly photo challenge will encourage me to do it long after I've learned how to work the camera.Practice Positive Thinking
Budha says it are your thoughts...and maybe mine haven't been as good or as positive as they should be...
Whether you believe in New Year's resolutions or not, I hope you're able to peacefully close the chapter on 2012 and welcome 2013 with open arms.
Let it Bead,

Do you make New Year's resolutions? More importantly, do you keep them?